Monday, March 24, 2008

Pictures of Our Girl!


Today we had our first ultrasound! I went to the doctor last week, Thursday, I was able to once again hear our little ones heartbeat and feel rest assured that things were going well. We scheduled the ultrasound, thankfully for this morning at 8 a.m. They had a cancellation at the clinic, which was a blessing for us. I am 20 weeks this week. We were able to get some good shots of our little bean and it looks like we're having.... a girl!!! Now for the pink writing!!!! We were able to see her move and all of her little parts. You are looking a profile picture of her head and body, with her legs and feet scrunched up. She kept putting her hands by her face and I swear I saw her sucking her little thumb. We saw her mouth moving with the hands there. It was precious. She looks healthy, but we are still waiting for my doctor to view the pictures and let us know for sure. We were able to see her heart pump and the four chambers of her heart. We saw her brain, kidneys, little toes and fingers. We were also able to see her spine from her head down to her tail bone. Jonathan and I are both very excited, and it was an amazing experience to share together. We will probably be disagreeing on names for the next few months, hehe! But I'm sure we'll compromise and find something we both like. Thanks for sharing in our little girl. We already love her dearly!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Is Spring Coming?

The weather this week seems to be getting a little warmer... much better than the last few. Hopefully Spring is coming. I hear the birds chirping a lot, and I want to get out and do some walking. I'm 18 weeks today and still have not felt our little one move... at least that I know of. You never know I could be feeling it and just not know... lol! I have my next doctors apt next Thursday, which I am very excited about. I can't wait to hear the baby's heartbeat again and just make sure everything is going well! At this appointment we will be scheduling our ultrasound, which we hope to find out the sex of the baby. I will be posting the results of that!

Jonathan has been working so hard on our house right now! We have our kitchen cabinet doors finished. They are beautiful. Now we just need to get the top cabinets hung, so that we can finish our kitchen! Hopefully that will happen soon. We have been looking forward to this for a long time. We will be able to finally unpack a lot of things once the kitchen is up and running.

Our kitties are running around like crazy in our new house. They are actually getting a little thinner due to all of their exercise. I'm very glad of that. They just seem much happier too. They are so cute with Jonathan. I tell him that they are practice for the baby coming. Whenever he gets home both of the cats want attention. They follow him around the house, and when he sits they are both on his lap. If he ignores them, then they get cranky. haha! I guess its good practice.

Monday, we were able to spend time with our friends Tim and Carol Brownlee who live in PA. We had such a good time with them. We really miss hanging out with them. We went to Chilli's and talked at the house for a bit. Of course we had to show them the house and everything that we've been doing.

Well for anyone who reads my posts, my sister Carrie and her husband Bruce took their youngest Toby to Cincinnati, OH this week for some tests. For anyone who does not know, Toby has Spina Bifida. He has a trach which is attached to a vent, feeding tub and shunt on his brain. He is such a happy little guy, he just turned one in December. We are so thankful that God has brought him this far. This week they are testing to see if he will be able to eat through his mouth. It is going to be a hard week for them and Toby is shy of strangers right now. If you think about it, pray for this family. My mom is staying with the other two boys, Conor and Garrett at their house. She seems to be having a good time with them. Well that's our news! We'll keep you updated!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Preggy Pants!!!

So I finally had to go out and buy some pregnancy pants. It was def a challenge finding something that fit me well. I am excited to wear something more comfortable though. Yay for a baby bump! And hopefully I will be able to get the camera working again soon for a pic!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Joys of Pregnancy

Today is March 1st, and I am 16 wks 3days pregnant. This has def been and interesting ride so far. We found out on December that we were expecting, and from week 6 I have been very sick. I never thought that pregnancy would feel like that!! I lost some weight and had a hard time keeping much of anything down. Its been a week and half now that I have felt more like "myself" again. But I have a feeling that I won't ever be the old Shauna again. Which is not a bad thing. Im adjusting to pregnant Shauna and my tummy that seems to be growing a lot lately. Which may be the fact that Im actually eating now. :) Our camera is down at the moment, but when its back up I'll post a new pic of my tummy. Its changed a lot since myt 14 wk picture on the slideshow... but still check it out! We've had two doctors apts so far. The first the baby's hearbeat was beating strong at 160 bpm. The second the doctor found that strong heartbeat again at 150 bpm. I have another apt on March 20, then we will schedule an ultrasound so we can finally see our littl one. Hopefully we will be able to find out the sex then. :) Until then our little bun in the oven is growing and growing.